Building events in Game of Thrones are a way to dramatically grow your power and influence within the Seven Kingdoms. Typically, a character must reach a certain level before he or she can begin a major event, such as a building event or quest. This is referred to as the Westerlands level and is based on how much influence the character has throughout the story. When you reach the level, you will be able to start a major event. These events are not like the regular events that you do at the higher levels; they have special rules associated with them. The basic idea behind these events is that you start with a major event like a castle build, then a series of smaller events occur. If you send someone into the game with a major event chain, like a wildfire happening, then that person becomes stronger. When they defeat an enemy character or accomplish some other goal, they earn points. They can also receive gifts from the King or Queen if they reach the number of gold.
Different Event Chains
There are two different event chains that you need to understand when it comes to Game of Thrones. The first is the direct event chain, which simply means that the player is responsible for all of the actions that their character takes throughout the event chain sequence. For example, if you send your character onto the shore with a wildfire, then that character has to defeat an enemy character, then fight another, and then another. All of this happens in the order that you have played it.
Second Event Chain
The second event chain, called the indirect event chain, is just the opposite. In this case, you have to wait for certain conditions to arise before your character can take an action. For example, if a character is sent to the shore with a wildfire but has to wait for winter to pass, then they cannot do anything. Only then can they build a camp and eventually build a castle to support it. This type of event chain is often used for something like a cultural takeover, where there is an impending famine in a region controlled by House Martell.